Kerti bútor AKCIÓK

Premium type houses

Officially, it can be built as a family house, or even a vacation home! Thanks to our ready concept plan, you can save plenty of time and money.

Premium modular houses

We recommend our 4-season premium modular houses with aluminum terraces for family houses, vacation houses or even bigger office buildings.

Standard modular houses

Our standard modular houses are perfectly suitable for weekend houses, for business premises, hair salons, offices and fitness gyms.

What’s the difference between the above-mentioned three modular house categories?

Check out our comparison chart:


Type houses

Officially, it can be built as a family houses or vacation house! Thanks to our ready concept plan, you can save plenty of time and money.

A. type one-bedroom family house

type house provides a great living space for a smaller family or couples, because in addition to an American kitchen-living room, there is also a bedroom available. Thanks to the careful planning you can enjoy the comfort of a spacious home in a small, cost-effective manner. The spacious American style kitchen-living room, bathroom, toilet (separate space) and bedroom can all be accessed through a practical entrance hall.

A. type two-bedroom family house

type house provides a great living space for a smaller family or couples, because in addition to an American kitchen-living room, there is also a bedroom available. Thanks to the careful planning you can enjoy the comfort of a spacious home in a small, cost-effective manner. The spacious American style kitchen-living room, bathroom, toilet (separate space) and bedroom can all be accessed through a practical entrance hall.

B. type family house

type family house is the perfect choice for a smaller family or couples, because in addition to the living room, there is also two bedrooms and practical storage for you to enjoy.
The kitchen is partially separated, but located in the same space as the living room which provides an excellent living space for everybody. The restroom and the bathroom are in a separate room but close to both bedrooms.

C. type family house

If you love the outdoors, you’ll love this! Our C. type family houses are built with wide living room – kitchen – dining room, two bedrooms and we design it with a 17 square meter covered terrace. Here, you’ll have enough space outside for family get-togethers or peaceful outdoors relaxation. A comfortable and practical home for families and couples alike.

D. type family house

If you love the outdoors, you’ll love this! Our D. type family houses are built with wide living room – kitchen – dining room and three bedrooms. Here, you’ll have enough space family get-togethers or peaceful outdoors relaxation. A comfortable and practical home for families and couples alike.

E. type family house

If you love the outdoors, you’ll love this! Our E. type family houses are built with wide living room – kitchen – dining room and three bedrooms. Here, you’ll have enough space for family get-togethers or peaceful outdoors relaxation. A comfortable and practical home for families and couples alike.

Type house references

Premium modular houses

We recommend our 4-season, year-round premium modular houses with aluminum terraces for residential properties, family homes, vacation houses and bigger offices.
With its noble plaster external covering, it can be easily integrated into any cityscape.
The modular house is also suitable to extend into existing houses.

Standard modular houses

Our standard modular houses are perfectly suitable for weekend houses, for business premises, hair salons, offices, and fitness gyms.
If necessary, the modular house can be transported to other locations or extended later on.
Our standard modular houses are equipped with maintenance-free trapezoidal outer covering.


Thank you that so many of you have already chosen us.

Fiatal, rugalmas csapat. Az időjárástól kezdve az összes körülmény összefogott ellenünk, de ennek ellenére a terveztetéstől kezdve bő 4 hónap alatt állt a házam. Utána megrendeléstől számított 1 héten belül a teraszom is kész lett. Imádom. Ha újra építkeznék, akkor is őket választanám.
Orsolya Czibula
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Nagyon modern házat kaptunk az Álomterasz csapatától! Gyors és precíz kivitelezés! Csak ajánlani tudom!👍👍👍
Janka Ferenc
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Modulházat rendeltem tőlük, nyeregtetővel. Kijöttek a telekre, átbeszéltük a dolgokat és egymás tenyerébe csaptunk. Minden időpontot betartották. Profi munkát végeztek. Lekoordinálták a szállítást, daruzást. A nyeregtetőt a helyszínen húzták fel. Amellett, hogy nagyon jó szakemberek, nagyon jófej az egész stáb. Sokat nevettem velük. A ház nagyon jó, szép. Energia felhasználása nagyon alacsony. Mindenkinek ajánlom őket!!!
Ákos Bíró
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Kifejezetten ügyfélbarát hozzáállás, kiszámítható, rugalmas kivitelezés. Nagyon jó csapat, szívből ajánlom mindenkinek.
Viktor Zámbó
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Csak ajánlani tudom mindenki számára a céget. Korrekt tájékoztatás, kiváló kivitelezés, időpontok maximális betartása jellemezte a megrendelésemet. Örömmel töltött el az, hogy még léteznek kis hazánkban ilyen magáncégek. Minden fázist a profizmus jellemezte, teljes mértékben elégedett vagyok a végeredménnyel, köszönöm. Sok sikert kívánok az elkövetkező évekre is a tulajdonosoknak és a dolgozóknak!
Gábor, Sopron
Nagyon szép, hibátlan, profi munka! Gyors, segítőkész ügyintézés! Minden a megbeszéltek szerint történt!!! Imádjuk! Köszönet Nektek Álomteresz Kft!
Tamásnè Sántik
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Minden tekintetben elégedettek vagyunk. A kapcsolatfelvételtől kezdve az átadásig zökkenőmentes volt a folyamat: megfelelő, korrekt tájékoztatás, az elvárt szakértelem a felméréstől a kivitelezésig.
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Korrekt ajánlat, korrekt határidő, minőségi, pontos telepítés! Mindenkinek ajánlom!
Árpád Beke
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Comparison list

A táblázatot húzd oldalra

Premium type houses
Premium modular houses
Standard modular houses
Seasonal independent construction
4-season design
Internal insulation (inside the walls)
15 cm
15 cm
15 cm
External insulation
10 cm
5 cm
Outer cover
With noble plaster and wood effect decorative inlays
With noble plaster
Maintenance free trapezoid plate
External doors and windows
3 layers
3 layers
3 layers
Gable roof
Flat roof or gable roof
Flat roof or gable roof
Concrete point foundation
Concrete point foundation
Concrete point foundation
Building energy demand
Construction time
1,5 months
1 months
3 weeks
It can be used as a permanent address
Base price
From Net HUF 345.000 Ft / m2
From Net HUF 310.000 Ft / m2
From Net HUF 250.000 Ft / m2

What’s the difference between modular and mobile house?

Perhaps the most obvious difference is that mobile houses are always build on chassis structures and roll on wheels. For that reason, the design and dimensions of the mobile houses are less flexible, than the modular houses. You can think about bigger dimensions of the modular houses from the beginning, moreover, they can be extended later. There’s more, when your children move out or you don’t need a study anymore, the size of the modular houses can even be reduced!

The biggest advantage of the modular houses that they are manufactured under ideal conditions and strict regulations. The work process in our in-house factory is not affected by the weather, the work is not disturbed by rain, cold, heat waves nor the time of day: the construction takes place at constant temperature, good lighting and comfortable workspace.

The advantage of the mobile houses that it can be moved. On the other hand, modular houses are built with a stabile point foundation, so the structure ready house are much harder to lift from its place, although not impossible but it takes a few days’ work.

The mobile house can be lived in almost immediately after delivery to the site. The modular house requires field work but that only takes a couple of days.

The modular house can be almost completely customized, commercial building, vacation home or even installed as a residential property as we can make its thermal insulation according to need or construction plans.

It’s a misconception that mobile houses or modular houses can be built without permits. It’s true that some construction permits are not necessary, because under specific dimension it is sufficient to notify the authorities of the building, but it needs to qualify for the legislation / cityscape’s viewpoint. It is also a misconception that if the mobile house is small enough, you don’t need to apply for a residence permit! With our type houses, we will take all these burdens from your shoulders.

You don’t know if a mobile house or a modular house would be the better choice for you?

Our experts are more than happy to help you find the best solution!

What are you asking for a quote on?